Sunday, June 30, 2013

Day 07

User-defined function syntax and usage. An example using buttons to set the color of a circle.

User-defined Functions from Albert Schueller on Vimeo.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day 06

A continuation of Day 05's discussion of conditional statements. Also, an introduction to processing's mouse functions. Watch the video:

Conditional Statements from Albert Schueller on Vimeo.

We finish the mouse circle interaction example using a Boolean expression derived from the distance function. We continue the example using the mouseClicked() function and introduce the other mouse-specific functions.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Day 05

Here we discuss variables, Boolean logic, and conditional statements. We start an example sketch in which a circle changes color when the mouse pointer intersects it. Here's the video:

Variables and decision making. from Albert Schueller on Vimeo.

We discuss the notion of variables in programming. We also introduce Boolean expressions and conditional statements. We finish with an example in which a circle changes color when the mouse pointer is moved into it. We will finish this example in the Day 06 lecture.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Day 04

Here's a discussion of structured programming and, more specifically, the structure of a processing program. Warning:  There's a wee bit of misinformation in the video at about 13:55 about why the sketch is blank.  I correct myself later.  Watch for yourself:

Structured Programming, Simple Animation from Albert Schueller on Vimeo.

We discuss the notion of structured programming and the setup()/draw() structure of a basic processing sketch. We compare this structure to that of a simple flip book animation. We do a simple animation with a rectangle attached to the mouse and discuss some of the subtleties of repainting vs. not repainting the canvas. We do an example of a user-defined variable and use it to perform a simple animation. Finally, we introduce the random() function and use it to create a randomized animation of balls and ellipses.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 03

Here we discuss an approach to making more structured sketches. Don't be afraid to use a piece of scratch paper to plan your processing sketch. We also talk about grayscale, RGB color and transparency. H01 is due and H02 is now available for your perusal. Watch the video:

Color and transparency. from Albert Schueller on Vimeo.

We review coordinate systems and shapes by recreating a classic doodle from childhood. We continue the example by introducing color to the figure. We explain the grayscale and RGB color schemes. We introduced the stroke() and fill() commands. We finish with the idea of transparency.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Day 02

We discuss a bit of the history of computer science: Grace Hopper and the idea of a compiler; how a computer works and what happens when you run a program. We then discuss the Processing coordinate system and how to draw basic shapes in Processing. Enjoy:

6-14-2013 10-54-36 from Albert Schueller on Vimeo.